ISDU Parameters
To add new ISDU (Indexed Service Data Unit) parameter press “Add” button at the bottom of ISDU group box.
Then input its index, subindex, byte sequence value (2-symbol hex values separated by “:”), set read/write permission and press ok.
After successfully adding new ISDU parameter you can see it in the ISDUindex/subindex tree structure.
To remove an ISDU parameter, select it in the ISDU tree and press Removebutton.
All ISDU parameters must have a unique index and a unique subindex within a given index. Subindices can only go in consecutive order from 0 to some value less than or equal 0xFF without missing values.
You can change a value of an ISDU parameter (also during active IO-Link communication). To do it press edit button, change byte sequence value and press ok. You can also set a “Set to device” option and a changed value will be also transferred to iqInterface if it is connected to iqTool.
If some ISDU parameters have been read or written from master side during an active IO-Link communication you can see detailed descriptions of these actions in the log text box. To see changed values in the “ISDU” tree press “Upload” button.