IO-Link device communication parameters

IO-Link device communication parameters

To configure IO-Link device communication parameters press the “Device Config” button at the top leftmost corner of the “IO-Link” group box:


Configuration dialog:



Min cycle time should be sufficient to send/receive all master/device message bytes with the selected baudrate:

Tcycle time = (Tmaster message + OD + Tdevice message) * 14 * Tbit + Tidle


Tmaster message = 2 + Process data output byte count

OD = On-request data byte count (from master or device, depending on r/w direction)

Tdevice message = Process data input byte count + 1 + 1

Tbit = 0.00434ms (for COM3), 0.02604ms (COM2), 0.20833ms (COM1)

Tidle = some pause for an idle time can be roughly the same as the previous part.

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