ISDU cached mode
ISDU cached mode
iqInterface FW Version is required
This mode is useful, when ISDU data is used only for writing (reading data in this mode is not supported), for example BLOB writing or Firmware update
The difference with and without cached mode with firmware update:
Mode | Device1: COM3 Min. cycle time: 6,8 ms On Request length: 2 bytes Process Data Length: 0 byte | ||
Firmware update 64 kb, Transmission only time – the code will not be written into flash | Normal mode | Cached ON | Improvement |
52,66 sec | 17,7 sec | 66 % |
Mode | Device2: COM3 Min. cycle time: 2,3 ms On Request length: 32 bytes Process Data Length: 0 byte | ||
Firmware update 256 kb | Normal mode | Cached ON | Improvement |
201,97 sec | 86,25 sec | 57 % |
* \brief Write BLOB with active cache
* iqInterface FW Version is required
* \param[in] uiPortNo COM or virtual ethernet port number of iqInterface
* \param[in] blobId BLOB Id
* \param[in] buffer BLOB buffer
* \param[in] bufferSize BLOB buffer size
* \param[out] cpErrMsg an error message (minimum 256 symbols!)
int16 mst_WriteBlob2(uint16 uiPortNo, int16 blobId, uchar08* buffer, ulong32 bufferSize, unsigned char is_cached, char08* cpErrMsg);