BLOB & Firmware Update



  • iqDll version 1.06


int16 mst_ReadBlob(uint16 uiPortNo, int16 blobId, uchar08* buffer, ulong32 bufferSize, ulong32* p_recvDataSize, char08 *cpErrMsg);

Input parameters

  • uint16 uiPortNo        - COM or virtual ethernet port number of iqInterface

  • int16 blobId          - BLOB Id

  • ulong32 bufferSize   - BLOB buffer maximum size

Output parameters:

  • char08 *cpErrMsg  - pointer to buffer to return error message (minimum 256 bytes) 

  • buffer   - BLOB buffer

  • ulong32* p_recvDataSize  - pointer to size of received data

Write BLOB


  • iqDll version 1.06


int16 mst_WriteBlob(uint16 uiPortNo, int16 blobId, uchar08* buffer, ulong32 bufferSize, char08 *cpErrMsg);

Input parameters

  • uint16 uiPortNo        - COM or virtual ethernet port number of iqInterface

  • int16 blobId          - BLOB Id

  • buffer   - BLOB buffer

  • ulong32 bufferSize   - BLOB size

Output parameters:

  • char08 *cpErrMsg  - pointer to buffer to return error message (minimum 256 bytes) 

IO-Link firmware update


  • iqDll version 1.06


int16 mst_FirmwareUpdate(uint16 uiPortNo, const char* cpHwId, const char* cpPassword, uchar08* file_buffer, ulong32 bufferSize, ulong32 retries, char08 *cpErrMsg);

Input parameters

  • uint16 uiPortNo        - COM or virtual ethernet port number of iqInterface

  • const char* cpHwId          - pointer to HW Id string

  • const char* cpPassword   - pointer to Password string

  • uchar08* file_buffer     - pointer to buffer with firmware update file

  • ulong32 bufferSize      - buffer size

  • ulong32 retries                - how many retries to connect after firmware update. 1 Retries = 1 second

Output parameters:

  • char08 *cpErrMsg  - pointer to buffer to return error message (minimum 256 bytes)Â