Send broken M-SEQ during IO-Link communication
Send broken M-SEQ during IO-Link communication
iqInterface FW Version from is required
This mode helps to detect if IO-Link device properly reacts on interference's:
Invalid messages can be each 0 (disabled), 1, 2 or 3 for 3 messages sequence
· Wrong CRC
· Invalid message size
· Invalid M-SEC type with wrong CRC
* \brief Activate invalid M-SEQ
* \param[in] uiPortNo COM or virtual ethernet port number of iqInterface
* \param[in] frequence How frequent insert interference for each 3 repeated M-Sequence
* Possible values: 0 (disabled), 1, 2, 3
* \param[in] type Type of interference
* 0x00 – insert invalid CRC
0x01 – Send M-Seq with wrong length
0x02 – Invalid message type with wrong CRC
* \param[out] cpErrMsg an error message (minimum 256 symbols!)
* \return error code
int16 mst_ActivateInvalidMSeq(
uint16 uiPortNo,
uint16 frequence,
uint16 type,
char08* cpErrMsg);
* \brief Deactivate invalid M-SEQ
* \param[in] uiPortNo COM or virtual ethernet port number of iqInterface
* \param[out] cpErrMsg an error message (minimum 256 symbols!)
* \return error code
int16 mst_DeactivateInvalidMSeq(
uint16 uiPortNo,
char08* cpErrMsg);
Actual example will be provided with Dll source code