New features in 'v1.5.0'

Data storage support

Data storage was implemented as three simple states:


  1. Disable - Device parameter changes will not be saved. No parameter restore.
  2. Backup/Restore - Device parameter will be saved. Automatic parameter restore.
  3. Restore only - Device parameter changes will not be saved. Automatic parameter restore.

Also for every ISDU variable with set up `excludedFromDataStorage` attribute is displayed as an additional special icon:


SIO mode and transmission rate attributes

Indicates either for IODD V1.0.1 & V1.1, also there are tooltips for transmission rates:

Standard variables with special display

`V_DirectParameters_1` special processing



`SupportedAccessLock` controls `V_DeviceAccessLocks` representation

In the following example local parameterization lock is declared as not supported:

<Features blockParameter="true" dataStorage="true" profileCharacteristic="1 32769 32772 32770">
  <SupportedAccessLocks parameter="true" dataStorage="true" localParameterization="false" localUserInterface="true" />

In the previous version we did not consider these limits when displaying `V_DeviceAccessLocks` parameter, but from now we filter out unsupported variants, moreover we preset the default value to `false` if it is missing, before:


User experience improvements

Connect button was redesigned



Show a special warning to protect users from exit during firmware update procedure

Now user can't simply close application until the firmware update process is complete!

Indicate warnings for some cases early are indicated as notifications

Show a device name in an IODD tab instead of IODD filename

Not actual variables values indication are moved to the beginning




For processs data actual status is no longer displayed at all.

Re-scan after IODDfinder was activated or a new directory was added to the local search paths

If there isn't any currently activated IODD file, every time you activate IODDfinder portal or add a new path to the local catalog - re-search will be activated automatically.

Context menu for IODD tabs (reload, refresh, shift to left, shift to right, close, close others)

Now it's possible either via submenu or context menu for every open IODD file reload all variables, reopen it, move selected tab to left or right or sort all of them by name automatically, also close it or close other tabs:

Context menu for parameters sub-menus (collapse all, expand all)

Parameters context menu simplifies reload and collapse & expand actions:

Improve block parameter user experience

For ISDU parameters buttons states was fully reimplemented to automatically choice between 'write' and 'write all' (block parametrisation support), or between 'simulate' and 'simulate all' when you are in the simulation mode.

For process data we also get rid of 'invalidate' unclear sub-item in favor of more transparant full automatical scheme: 'unset' <> 'set' <> 'set all'. Now you can set several process data subitems simultaneously.