IQ² Masters can be programmatically managed using C DLL for Windows.

You can use DLL API as a black box or integrate its source code to your existing C/C++ project. The file iqcomm_example.c in the source code folder contains example code of standard usage with detailed description in comments.

iqInterface or iqLink should be properly connected to PC over comport/USB or Ethernet (tcp/ip) interface. For USB usage the driver should be installed (see physical connection).

To use DLL or its source you should always include iqi_define.h header, and iqi_mst.h for master mode, iqi_dev.h for device mode, iqi_dm.h for direct mode, iqi_ethernet.h/iqi_comm.h for Ethernet (tcp/ip) connection. See further more detailed API description of these modules.

All functions return some non-negative value as a result or negative error code in case of failure. Error codes are enumerated in iqi_define.h with ERR_ prefix. Each function also takes a character buffer pointer cpErrMsgfor an error description in case of failure. The error buffer should be at least 256 bytes.

Most of functions also take a port number to identify a port to which iqInterface is connected. This port number is obtained from connect functions, like mst_Connect/mst_EthernetConnect or dev_Connect/dev_EthernetConnect.